If you have concerns, object

Objecting is easy

it only takes a few minutes of your time

Just go to the planning application and comment

But what should I say?

It’s important that you explain your objections in your own words - don’t just copy someone else’s. There are many objections already on the Cherwell District Council planning portal - they really are worth reading. You may find new points that concern you.

To make your own objection, use the Object Now button at the top of this window (or click on the horizontal three lines if you are on a mobile device) and select “Comment on this Application” when you get to the CDC site. You can also see all other objections under the “Supporting Docs” button.

There is a great objection on the site - you can access it directly by clicking on the link below.

Money grabbing urban sprawl.

In the cold light of day, this development would destroy much of the local rural landscape.


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